Africa-France New Summit in Montpellier

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On Friday October 8, the Africa France New Summit capped an intense week of events in Paris and Montpellier seeking to explore, debate and redefine the relationship between Africa and France. As envisioned by Emmanuel Macron since the beginning of his presidency, this rethinking puts at its center the private sector, entrepreneurs, civil society and young people.

In Montpellier I had the pleasure to act as host and MC for the Summit's Cultural and Creative Industries strand. Beyond the glamorous stage pictures, what the general audience doesn't usually see are the hundreds of hours of preparation around concept, content, tech and logistics that are involved in putting together such a massive event.

In this particular case, after being postponed repeatedly due to the pandemic, the Africa-France New Summit involved the collaboration of multiple ministries, agencies, and organizations. Warm thanks to the godparents of the session, the Deputy CEO of AFD Walckenaer Bertrand and the President of Institut Francais Eva Nguyen Binh.

More than anything I was very impressed by our roster of 30+ speakers (list of names in first comment), some of whom only learned they were expected on stage in Montpellier a week prior to the event and handled the 5-min TEDx format requirement like the bosses they are. They made my own work feel like a breeze.

If you don't know them already, check out the work of Luc Mayitoukou at Zhu Culture, Faisal KIWEWA at Bayimba, KANE Limam Monza at Assalamalekoum Culture, George Gachara at HEVA Fund, Laureen Kouassi-Olsson at Birimian Ventures (and designers Aristide Loua from Kente Gentleman, Rich Mnisi, Post Imperial and Umoja), Noro-Lanto Ravisy, jose da silva at Harmonia Lda, Geoffroy de Rougé at Midem, BRAHIM EL MAZNED at Visa for Music, Loubayi Fabien - Ben.J Neg'Marrons in Congo-Brazza, Julien Kourbatoff at IDOL, Franck-Alcide Kacou at Universal Music, Olivier Laouchez at Trace Academia, Tatiana Moussalli Nouri at Wazobia Max Media Limited, Olivier PASCAL at LAFAAAC, Lesley Donna Williams at Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct, animator Bokang Koatja, Mounia ARAM at Mounia Aram Company, Ecole de cinéma Kourtrajmé, director Karekezi Joel, Kouame N.abel at Afrikatoon, animator Feben Elias, producer at TANIT FILMS Nabil Cheikhrouha, Razanajatovo Laza at Rencontres du Film Court de Madagascar, Jacques du PUY from GROUPE CANAL +, et Jean-Noël Tronc, head of the French ICC export task force.

African and French entrepreneurs and artists are eager to work, collaborate and create together, and I'm looking forward to seeing the exciting ideas that will come out of these new connections.